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Kathon® Fuel 15

***NOT Available / permitted in the EU - Please contact us for availability and pricing***
The effectiveness of Kathon™ has been proven over a numb..
Hersteller: Fuelcare Ltd. | Hersteller Artikel-Nr.: KAT

***NOT Available / permitted in the EU - Please contact us for availability and pricing***

The effectiveness of Kathon™ has been proven over a number of years and it has extensive approvals endorsing its use in a wide range of fuel types. Kathon™ combines exceptional activity with broad spectrum performance. Consequently it is effective at very low use levels against all commonly occurring fuel contaminants (bacteria, fungi and yeast).

Furthermore, the active ingredients of Kathon™ are non-persistent in the environment, giving the product good environmental acceptability.

Previously sold as Kathon® FP1.5